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Compliance Changes in 2023

With 2022 coming to an end, all the rules made will now be left behind. With a new year comes new regulations that will be updated, giving businesses a new list to follow with experimenting in terms of risk, money, and time. You must know what is in store because compliance is crucial to avoid the seizure of goods, loss of access to the market, and mistrust of customers. 


This is when the expertise of Walter Soriano comes into the picture. At USG security, we ensure you know all about compliance to prepare for the coming months!


The NFLPA, also known as the Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act, went into effect on June 21, 2022. This act allows a rebuttable presumption, which means all goods made entirely or partially in the XUAR of China are the outcome of forced labour. The import of all these goods will now be banned in the US. Anyone seen using these goods and those who do not show compliance will have to face punishments and penalties. 


With the start of the new year, the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act will be effective immediately on January 1, 2023. The act makes it obligatory for German companies with at least 3000 employees or more than that to ensure that human rights and the environment in their supply chain are well respected. The main goal of this movement is to ensure that the order of issues in the supply chain department is lowered and risks concerning human rights and the environment are eliminated or reduced. 


2023 will be an application year, but from January 1, 2024, the scope of this GSCDDA will be tightened down to companies with at least 1000 employees or more. These numbers also include the employees working abroad. Compliance with this act is important to avoid any penalty. 



Reach, also known as the Reach, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals, is a regulation that proposes the compliance of including the metallic lead in the Annex XIV Authorisation List. This requires EU-based substance users to get authorization from the ECHA initially.


 The ECHA has been worried about the metallic lead for the past few years. The concern was also included in the REACH SVHs. Customers are told to present any article with a lead quantity above 0.1%. 


According to the expertise of Walter Soriano and USG security, metallic lead has become very widespread, especially in batteries. So in the upcoming times, it is expected that serious actions will be taken against those who do not keep the percentage in check. 


The EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances going through a revision process that could bring out RoHS 3 as an outcome. These will then present newly formed hurdles for entrepreneurs and businessmen as compliance will be important because the regulation will be made consistent for all Member States rather than separate imposing. This revision could also result in the restriction of similar substances. 


According to USG Security, we believe manufacturers of complex goods should pay attention to upcoming developments. 

Stay Updated With Walter Soriano

Do keep in mind that regulations will keep evolving; there will be additions of newly formed restrictions, product compliances, and laws. It is important to know all you need to show Compliance. 


With USG Security, and the expertise of Walter Soriano you can now stay at the top of the game and know the latest updates so you can stay ahead of your game and work efficiently to make your business grow better. 


Our services include making your life easier with the right assistance so you can eventually take the right steps in favor of your business.